Monday, April 20, 2009

Lunch menu

In today's (British) English version of the lunch menu at the lab cafeteria:

Courgette stuffed with Ratatouille...

I had to consult the German version to find out what a courgette was:

Zucchini Schiffchen gefüllt mit Ratatouille...
(zucchini boat filled with ratatouille)

I asked Glenda after I got home and she did not know what a courgette was either. So I didn't feel so bad.

As you can see, the German version of the menu is always more precise. But it is not accurate (in the way precision and accuracy are defined in science). In this case, there was stuff on a zucchini sliced in half, but I am not sure I would call that stuff ratatouille in a visual test. I had salad bar instead.

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