Saturday, June 27, 2009


The kids' school had two summer festivals in the past week. All the classes, except for the kindergarten, held theirs on Sunday; the kindergarten classes had theirs this afternoon. Both festivals featured performances by the kids (and games, food and drinks).

On Sunday, the kids had fun playing a human version of foosball. Gabriel also performed a couple German songs with his class.

Late in the afternoon today, Jocelyn's kindergarten class joined forces with the German and French kindergarten classes in a multilingual performance of the Rainbow Fish. The narration was in German, and the kids' dialogues were in their native tongue. Here is a typical exchange:

Blue Fish (English): Can I play with you?
Rainbow Fish (German): Nein, Sie sprechen nicht Deutsch. (No, you don't speak German)
Red Fish (French): Puis-je jouer avec vous?
Rainbow Fish (German): Nein, Sie sprechen nicht Deutsch.

Here is the link to the song and the dance by the English kindergarten class.

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