Friday, November 14, 2008

A lecture series for graduate students

As a staff scientist at Berkeley Lab, I don't have to teach classes. But the UC Berkeley Physics Department would welcome proposals from Lab scientists to offer courses there. Although I have given a few guest lectures on my research to graduate students at UCB over the years, I have never given a series of say 10 lectures with a coherent theme.

Now that I am on sabbatical, I decided to do just that. I am giving a series of 10 graduate-level lectures on statistics and analysis techniques in experimental physics research here. I gave my first weekly lecture last week at the institute's seminar room. The room was filled to capacity! For my second lecture today, there were so many students that we had to move to a bigger room. I am not sure why the turn-out was so great (as there is no course credit for these lectures), but I hope that's because I am doing something right.

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