Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ready for winter

According to the weather forecast, it's supposed to rain/snow in Karlsruhe on Thursday and Friday. Even though we will be in Bonn on those days (the children are on a mid-term break), we still thought it would be prudent to buy some waterproof shoes for the kids. Here is a photo of the munchkins all kitted out in their new boots and wool hats. Please note the faux pink fur on Jocelyn's boots.

I made Jocelyn's hat while we were still in Oakland. I followed Melissa Hills' Kable Kid Hat pattern, using a ball of purple-pink Dolcetto yarn that I had bought a couple of years ago.

Gabriel was quite fond of this hat so I made a hat for him as well, though this time I used Elizabeth Heath-Heckman's pattern named The Boy Hat. Gabriel chose the yarn at a store in Freiburg. He chose a ball of Gedifra Fashion Trend in a bright pumpkin orange. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the store but it is located quite close to the Munster. Anyways, I subtracted 8 stitches from the cast-on so that the hat would fit the little guy's head. This made the decreasing ribs at the crown asymmetrical but that's okay, the little guy likes it anyway.

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